"Check out our events & programming and join us for THREE full days of
gaming and fun: Friday, Nov 11th through Sunday, Nov 13th once again
at the beautiful Marriott Ann Arbor Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest.
* Order your U-Con badge (required for entry) at:https://www.ucon-gaming.org/reg/gcs/reg/register.php
* Then, register for gaming events at:https://www.ucon-gaming.org/reg/gcs/events/browse.php"
Here is what the OSR Track has to offer:
5252 White Star: Slim Pickings Or Bountiful Harvest?, GM: Larry Hamilton, 6 players, No XP/Average, Friday 9a-1p. Your band of freelancers has gotten word of a massive space battle that will be over by the time you arrive to salvage what the warring parties left behind General Audience (13+) $3.00
5358 DCC RPG: Xcrawl: Destroy All Crawlers, GM: Brendan LaSalle, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 9a-1p. Your favorite live-on-pay-per-view death sport is back, with a whole new rules set! Now powered by the Dungeon Crawl Classics rules, Xcrawl is wilder than ever! All new challenges, all new high-impact rules set, same old attitude! Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5431 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Black Sun Deathcrawl by James MacGeorge, GM: Laura Rose Williams, 6 players, No XP/Average, Friday 9a-2p. The apocalypse is not merely nigh, it has passed, the world is over and all that is left are the crumbling ashes of the ages before and the cursed survivors who have yet to succumb to the soul-obliterating rays of the Black Sun. Make what you can of the little time you have left before the Black Sun renders your efforts meaningless. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5790 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 9a-1p. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. "Whispers of Starfall" is the first adventure in a new campaign using the Fifth Edition OSR for Dungeons and Dragons, published by Dragon-Knight Publishing Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5615 Swords & Wizardry: Zaya's Promise - Game With the Creator, GM: Stacy Dellorfano, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 10a-2p. Off in a corner of a forgotten land lies the fabled ruins of a town lost to the ravages of war. Covered in a thick layer of thorny, poisoned vines, the town itself has all been forgotten for beneath that lies the rumored lair of the only survivor. None who have entered have returned for hundreds of years. The place has been quarantined and left as cursed, but surely your party will succeed where all others have failed. Right? Zaya's Promise is a deadly funhouse set in an ever-changing dreamworld. Originally released with the third printing of Swords & Wizardry, this game will be run by the Adventure's author. General Audience (13+) $4.00
5838 Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Forgive us, GM: Dave Kesler, 6 players, Some XP/Average, Friday 10a-1p. 1625 was a plague year in Norwich. History tells us that it was an outbreak of the Black Death. History was wrong. A Lamentations of the Flame Princess Adventure for a party of 4th level. Pre-gens provided. Mature Content (18+) $3.00
5220 D&D (Original): Clean Sweep, GM: Herb Diehr, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-5p. A family is swept from their little village and finds itself in a new realm! A quest to save their parents from this strange society. Children under 12 must have a parent playing. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5319 Dungeon Crawl Classics: DCC Caverns of Thracia, GM: Dan Domme, 8 players, No XP/Average, Friday 2p-6p. Celebrate 40 years of Judges Guild by playing in the classic Caverns of of Thracia, only reimagined as a Dungeon Crawl Classics 0-level "Funnel" Adventure! If you thought being a 1st-level D&D character was rough, just you wait. a handful of 0-level wanna-be adventurers will be provided for each player. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5327 Swords & Wizardry: Gateway To Adventure: The Mountain of Fire; 40 Years of Judges Guild, GM: Ryan Thompson, 10 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-6p. Seven dragon lairs are honeycombed throughout a volcano. Each lair is reputed to hold an unimaginable treasure hoard. Does your party have what it takes to loot them all and live to tell the tale? Come celebrate Judge's Guilds 40th anniversary by playing this classic adventure from "The Book of Treasure Maps III" by Rudy Kraft. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5360 DCC RPG: Symptom of the Universe, GM: Brendan LaSalle, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-6p. . . . when our love will ride away into eternal skies; A Symptom of the Universe, a love that never dies.” When a hero dies, only the dream remains. Who dare seek answers in the death dream of the most dangerous man in the world? This is an experimental DCC scenario for 3rd level characters. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5429 Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC): Elzemon and the Blood-drinking Box, GM: Clayton Williams, 5 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-6p. Your party seeks the favor of a powerful wizard. To do this, they agree to steal an artifact from a rival wizard's sanctum. However, the artifact needs to "feed" in order to keep its contents contained. Can you survive this gamble, come out richer, and keep your sanity? General Audience (13+) $3.00
5791 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-6p. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. "Whispers of Starfall" is the first adventure in a new campaign using the Fifth Edition OSR for Dungeons and Dragons, published by Dragon-Knight Publishing Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5829 Tunnels & Trolls: Temple of the Toad, GM: Gordon Cooper, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-6p. The Temple of the Toad, built by the ancients for a dead religion, flourishes again. But who are the new worshipers and what are their motives? Oh, and the prince and princess need be saved. Can you see about that? Riches! Titles! Royal gratitude! Blah, blah, blah! Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5853 DCC RPG: Ride the Rising Tide of Darkness, GM: Scott Kellogg, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-6p. Each year in the benighted city of Purdimal, priests of the Supreme Principle of Change celebrate the high holy day of The Rising Tide of Darkness by offering living sacrifices to their dark deity Hru’u. Deep within the Underworld, persons of low or no clan are released from imprisonment to suffer their grisly fates. Most serve to feed the demons of the dark, but the handful who, by chance or wit, survive until daybreak are deemed by the temple priests blessed by the Dispenser of Calamities. Offered education and status by the priests, these lucky souls can rise high within the Empire. This game will use the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rules to present a “character funnel”. Each player controls several 0-level characters in a desperate struggle to survive. No experience in DCC RPG or Tekumel is required. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5190 Swords & Wizardry: Mythrus Tower, GM: Bill Webb, 15 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 8p-1a. Bill Webb of Frog God Games brings the long-running Mythus Tower late night game to Detroit! Its been running for several years in Madison, Dallas and Seattle, as well as last year here. There is no school like the old school! Late Night Swords and Wizardry with grognard GM Bill Webb of Frog God Games. Travel back to the dawn of the game where character generation took 2 minutes (which is good, because you die a lot!), there was no such thing as a spot check, dwarves and elves were classes, not just races, and a +1 sword was a wonder! This is the 8th year in a row that Bill has run an event of this type at gaming conventions, and it's always late night affair. This year expect a dungeon crawl adventure where you better bring your imagination and your thinking cap. Starting at 8 pm and ending at 1 am (or later). Number of players is capped at 15 (plus invited guests for a total of 20 players). Bring dice and miniatures. You can roll up characters at the table. Rules will generally follow those in Swords and Wizardry Complete and Bill Webb's book of Dirty Tricks (available at the Frog God store--and the rulebook pdf is free!). All character generation is 3d6 in order, although stats cap at +1/-1 on bonus and penalty, and are thus, mostly irrelevant. Bill's games are well known for having high fatality rates and extremely difficult puzzles and traps. If you play in both sessions, experience points and treasure carry over to the next night. If you have a character from prior adventures you may continue play them here--if not just bring 3d6 and a d20 and you can make one at the table. Kids welcome, but it gets pretty late at night for little ones. Prizes awarded for a) first to die, b) MVP of session (as voted by players), c) most creative, d) best roleplayer and e) most number of kills (and other PCs count if its accidental)! Family Friendly (7+) $4.00
5201 Dungeon Crawl Classics: A Night In Ur-Hadad, GM: Adam Muszkiewicz, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 8p-12a. In the fabled city of Ur-Hadad, shining jewel of the Dominion of Man, adventure awaits! Join us for an improvised session of urban mayhem, intrigue and strangeness. Rules familiarity not necessary, but a plus. Improvisational skill a must! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5250 Metamorphosis Alpha: Quest for ARLOK3, GM: Larry Hamilton, 6 players, No XP/Average, Friday 8p-12a. It has long been a right of passage of the tribe/village for those who have come of age to make the journey to ARLOK3. Those who return are welcomed as fit adults and future leaders of the village. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5514 Empire of the Petal Throne: A Night in Old Jakálla, GM: Victor Raymond, 8 players, No XP/Average, Friday 8p-12a. The classic introduction to the Empire of the Petal Throne - you have recently arrived from the Southern Continent in search of fame, fortune, and a better life in the bustling port of Jakalla - the "City Half as Old as the World." Staying in the Foreigners Quarter, you have three different offers of employment by different patrons; you must pick one without offending the others, and then see if you can survive the result! This is an event for newcomers to the World of Tekumel, as originally published by TSR in 1975! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5562 DragonQuest: Magebird Quest, GM: Rodger Thorm, 6 players, Some XP/Average, Friday 8p-12a. Search for the Azure Sea Falcon. Make a fantastic quest for a rare item which involves a perilous journey over land and sea to the rugged crags of the Rookeries. One of the few Judges Guild modules published for DragonQuest. This will be a segment of the larger quest presented in the module. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5792 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 8p-12a. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5806 Swords and Wizardry : The Lighthouse of Anan Marath, GM: James Stanton, 10 players, Some XP/Average, Friday 8p-12a. Generations ago, the Lighthouse of Anan Marath was the pride and joy of the seaside village of Saemish. It brought trade and prosperity to the small town, despite it being at the edge of the great salt swamp. However, an evil lurked within, as the priests who tended it were secretly servants of the vile sea god Dagon. Twenty years ago, the lighthouse was cleared of the vile cultists and their minions, yet the light was put out, and since, the paranoid folk of the town have avoided the cursed place. Now, a new council member seeks to regain some of the fame the small town once held, and has begun recruiting local and out of town adventurers to investigate and relight the beacon at the top of the keep that once shined so brightly. You have been chosen to be part of that group. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5193 Classic Traveller : The Survey , GM: Forest Ray, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-1p. The Scout service has chosen you to survey a new planet. It should be a simple assignment. Get dropped with supplies and equipment for an extended stay, make some maps, take some samples. The only problem is things never go as planed. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5207 1E AD&D: G1, Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, GM: Shawn Dry, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 9a-1p. Can you stop the mixed bands of giants who have been raiding the lands of men? Experience the first module of this classic Gary Gygax series during this morning session; playing in the later sessions is not required, but you are welcome to stay all day and enjoy the entire series. Pregens provided. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5227 DCC RPG: Ride the Rising Tide of Darkness, GM: Scott Kellogg, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-1p. Each year in the benighted city of Purdimal, priests of the Supreme Principle of Change celebrate the high holy day of The Rising Tide of Darkness by offering living sacrifices to their dark deity Hru’u. Deep within the Underworld, persons of low or no clan are released from imprisonment to suffer their grisly fates. Most serve to feed the demons of the dark, but the handful who, by chance or wit, survive until daybreak are deemed by the temple priests blessed by the Dispenser of Calamities. Offered education and status by the priests, these lucky souls can rise high within the Empire. This game will use the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rules to present a “character funnel”. Each player controls several 0-level characters in a desperate struggle to survive. No experience in DCC RPG or Tekumel is required. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5253 Delving Deeper: The Dire Druids of Delver's Deep, GM: Larry Hamilton, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 9a-1p. Delver's Deep is a well known adventure location. In recent months, some mysterious druids have occupied The Deep, as it is known to locals. This order of druids wear black robes, and their tight lips have led to rumors and gossip about their real nature and purpose. It is “common knowledge” that they are an evil cult practicing human sacrifice. Like most villagers, they mind their business, hoping that is enough to protect them; yet are glad to take the coins from selling supplies to the druids. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5359 DCC RPG: Xcrawl: Destroy All Crawlers, GM: Brendan LaSalle, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-1p. Your favorite live-on-pay-per-view death sport is back, with a whole new rules set! Now powered by the Dungeon Crawl Classics rules, Xcrawl is wilder than ever! All new challenges, all new high-impact rules set, same old attitude! Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5517 Swords & Wizardry: Dark Tower, GM: Andrew Moss, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-1p. Judges Guild 40th Anniversary! One starless night, half the town of Mitra's Fist was crushed by the sudden appearance of a dark tower. You must brave the dread spire to learn why. Pregens provided. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5744 D&D (Original): Wilderlands of High Fantasy, GM: Dirk Collins, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-2p. An original Judges Guild D&D adventure set in Barbarian Altanis. Players are welcome to bring their own characters of the 3rd-5th level, randomly roll up a 3-5th level character using the original D&D rules, or randomly select from the collection of Pregenerated characters that will be available. Here, we'll begin a new wilderness campaign starting in the coastal village of Valera. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5793 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-1p. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5798 D&D 1e: Blizzard on the Borderland, GM: Bill Barsh, 8 players, Some XP/Average, Saturday 9a-1p. Winter has struck and the Keep struggles to combat the cold and snow. Worse still, an ancient evil hides behind the piercing wind and ice waiting to destroy all in its icy clutch! This adventure supplement details several encounters to bolster TSR’s B2 The Keep on the Borderlands. This is Pacesetter's latest adventure in its TSR sequel series. The events of this adventure take place just after the PCs have completed B2 Keep on the Borderlands. However, no previous experience with that module is required for this event. B2.5 Blizzard on the Borderland is an adventure for eight characters of second to third level using the First Edition game rules. Pre-generated characters will be provided. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5208 1E AD&D: G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, GM: Shawn Dry, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-6p. Can you find out what is driving mixed bands of giants to raid the lands of men? Experience the second module of this classic Gary Gygax series during this afternoon session; playing in the morning and evening sessions is not required, but you are welcome to stay all day and enjoy the entire series. Pregens provided. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5219 D&D (Original): Clean Sweep, GM: Herb Diehr, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-5p. A family is swept from their little village and finds itself in a realm in trouble and also themselves! A quest by teenagers to save their parents from this strange society. Children under 12 must have a parent playing. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5320 Lamentations of the Flame Princess: The Tower of the Stargazer, GM: Dan Domme, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-6p. Legend tells of a wizard so arrogant that he felt the entire sky was naught but a lens for him to view the stars. So great was his hubris and defiance that even when smote with the power of storm and fire, the wizard laughed. He feared not retribution from man nor God, for he drew his knowledge from something greater. Something darker. Something outside. The legend of this wizard grew, first whispered by men in fear, and later in awe. But then there was no more news. No more talk. Something had finally brought the wizard low, for though the sky still blazed down on him and his abode, he no longer blazed back. And now you're going to walk right through this wizard's front door. Mature Content (18+) $3.00
5328 Swords & Wizardry: Jennell Jaquays's Tomb of Aerthering the Damned; 40 Years of Judges Guild, GM: Ryan Thompson, 10 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-6p. From Jennell Jaquays's classic "The Book of Treasure Maps" comes The Tomb of Tomb of Aerthering the Damned. A map of an ancient tomb has come into your possession. The map shows a simple hidden tomb. It should be an easy treasure grab for an experienced party of adventurerers... Come celebrate Judge's Guild's 40th anniversary with this classic Jaquays adventure! Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5361 DCC RPG: Symptom of the Universe, GM: Brendan LaSalle, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-6p. . . . when our love will ride away into eternal skies; A Symptom of the Universe, a love that never dies.” When a hero dies, only the dream remains. Who dare seek answers in the death dream of the most dangerous man in the world? This is an experimental DCC scenario for 3rd level characters. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5432 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Null Singularity by Steve Bean, GM: Laura Rose Williams, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-7p. In NULL SINGULARITY, players take on the role of Voidants, 70's-era space travelers who left the Earth to flee from the Null Singularity – an apocalyptic entity that is, at once, a massive black hole and a “long-dark night of the soul.” For an unknown period of time – decades or even centuries – the Voidants of the Alektryon mission have played hide-and-seek with the Null Singularity across the cosmos, but today is the day it has caught up with them… or has it? General Audience (13+) $3.00
5515 Empire of the Petal Throne: Death on the Mssúma River, GM: Victor Raymond, 8 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-6p. An item of great antiquity has been stolen from a noble clanhouse in the city of Jakalla; rumor has it that the burglar is proceeding north on the Mssuma River, headed for Bey Su "the Beauteous" - the capital of Tsolyanu, the Empire of the Petal Throne. You have been hired to retrieve the precious item and return it to its rightful owner, preferably without bloodshed, but by force if necessary! This is an event for newcomers to the World of Tekumel, as originally published by TSR in 1975! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5556 Runequest (Openquest): Griffin Mountain - 50th Anniversary of Glorantha, GM: Andrew Moss, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-6p. On the run from the Lunar Empire, you seek refuge in the northern lands of Balazar. Will you find the Mountain itself? Or perhaps another wonder, like the Castle of Giants or the Wind Sword? Glory or death awaits. Pregens provided. Hail Orlanth! And remember, No One Can Make You Do Anything, There is Always Another Way and Violence is Always an Option. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5616 Swords & Wizardry: Zaya's Promise - Game With the Creator, GM: Stacy Dellorfano, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-6p. Off in a corner of a forgotten land lies the fabled ruins of a town lost to the ravages of war. Covered in a thick layer of thorny, poisoned vines, the town itself has all been forgotten for beneath that lies the rumored lair of the only survivor. None who have entered have returned for hundreds of years. The place has been quarantined and left as cursed, but surely your party will succeed where all others have failed. Right? Zaya's Promise is a deadly funhouse set in an ever-changing dreamworld. Originally released with the third printing of Swords & Wizardry, this game will be run by the Adventure's author. General Audience (13+) $4.00
5794 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-6p. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5799 D&D 5e: Felhorde, GM: Ben Barsh, 8 players, Some XP/Average, Saturday 2p-6p. The dragon was dead and only his lair need be looted. But few things are as dangerous as a dead dragon. After a harrowing trek through the dragon's lair, the adventurers finally arrived at the treasure vault only to watch a group of chasm gnomes disappear into the darkness below. The chase is on into the Deep! But worse things than chasm gnomes lurk in its depths... Felhorde was originally designed as a tournament adventure for the 2014 North Texas RPG Con where it was the featured AD&D Open Event. It has been expanded and revised for use with the 5th Edition system. Ben Barsh of Pacesetter Games & Simulations will DM the event. Pre-generated characters will be provided. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5828 Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Assault on the Unfallen Star, GM: Gordon Cooper, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-6p. Stars have fallen before in the land, but none were as large as a city, and none hung suspended over a city... until now. Whilst astrologers cast horoscopes and philosophers debate, the mayor wants answers and he will keep sending expendable townsfolk up there until he gets them! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5191 Swords & Wizardry: Tegel Manor: Judges Guild 40th Anniversary, GM: Bill Webb, 15 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 8p-1a. Play in the dungeon I learned to play in! That’s right, Tegel Manor came out in 1977 and was the first dungeon adventure I ever had. In honor of Judges Guild’s 40th anniversary, I will be deviating from my standard Mythus Tower game and running a slightly modified (by me) version of this old classic! Startling Statues and the infamous Rump Family awaits! This old time haunted house is an original masterpiece by Bob Bledsaw, one of the three men that inspired me to play the game. Fire up your clerics and holy water and prepare for lots of creepy encounters. Locate the inspiration for the Gazebo legends of the game! Just don’t make the house mad. Late Night Swords and Wizardry with grognard GM Bill Webb of Frog God Games. Travel back to the dawn of the game where character generation took 2 minutes (which is good, because you die a lot!), there was no such thing as a spot check, dwarves and elves were classes, not just races, and a +1 sword was a wonder! Starting at 8 pm and ending at 1 am (or later). Number of players is capped at 15 (plus invited guests for a total of 20 players). Bring dice and miniatures. You can roll up characters at the table. Rules will generally follow those in Swords and Wizardry Complete and Bill Webb's book of Dirty Tricks (available at the Frog God store--and the rulebook pdf is free!). All character generation is 3d6 in order, although stats cap at +1/-1 on bonus and penalty, and are thus, mostly irrelevant. You may bring your characters from Mythus Tower to play. If you play in both sessions, experience points and treasure carry over to the next night. If you have a character from prior adventures you may continue play them here--if not just bring 3d6 and a d20 and you can make one at the table. Family Friendly (7+) $4.00
5192 Mutant Future: Dragons over Mount Calm, GM: Forest Ray, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 8p-12a. Mount Calm is known as a peaceful place with small villages, farms and some manufacturing. But lately strange creatures have been seen and disturbing events have occurred. Can the party put an end to the problem? Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5202 Mutant Crawl Classics: OMG LAZOR DUNJIN!, GM: Adam Muszkiewicz, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 8p-12a. In the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is Terra AD, your band of mutants, marauders and misfits band together to save your imperiled village from the blacklight Glowplague that emanates from the cursed LAZOR DUNJIN! Face off against the neon dreams of the ancients in an adventure that's equal part Rock'n'Bowl, Laser Zeppelin and TRON! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5209 1E AD&D: G3, Hall of the Fire Giant King, GM: Shawn Dry, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 8p-12a. Can you discover the secret behind the raids in the lands of men by mixed bands of giants? Experience the third module of this classic Gary Gygax series during this evening session; playing in the earlier sessions is not required, but you are welcome to stay all day and enjoy the entire series. Pregens provided. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5226 The Petal Hack: Mission to the Atkolel Heights, GM: Brett Slocum, 14 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 8p-12a. Could it be a fiendish plan by Baron Ald to weaken the northwestern frontier? In the year 2360 A.S., during the war with Yan Kor, a mountain village near Chene Ho reported the appearance of strange creatures (even by Tekumel standards), and villagers and livestock went missing. Two patrols vanished. The governor of Chene Ho was forced to ask for the Emperor's help. The Omnipotent Azure Legion has picked you. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5318 Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Jeweler that Dealt In Stardust, GM: Dan Domme, 8 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 8p-12a. Operating under the guise of a jeweler, Boss Ogo does a brisk trade in stolen goods, enjoying the protection of a gang of bravos and thugs. But for the last month, no one has seen or heard from Ogo. The jeweler’s door is barred and his shutters locked. Like ravens circling a stinking carcass, the bravos and pinch thieves smell a fortune for the taking. All that is required is a band of rogues audacious enough to cross Boss Ogo, skilled enough to survive his house of traps, and lucky enough to make it out alive. Characters provided. No experience with DCC necessary. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5430 Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC): Three Nights in the Glurbbwood, GM: Clayton Williams, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 8p-12a. A wealthy merchant has lost a caravan that was carrying numerous goods, treasures, and family heirlooms. He asks that you find and return to him a sealed jade box. The rest of the goods and treasures you can keep. The caravan was last seen heading down the old road into the Glurbbwood swamp. Come journey into the Glurbbwood, surely nothing outrageous lurks here! Adults Only (18+) $3.00
5563 DragonQuest: Wylashtin's Task, GM: Rodger Thorm, 6 players, Some XP/Average, Saturday 8p-12a. The wizard Wylashtin has learned the location of a hidden dungeon that contains artifacts of great interest and needs brave adventurers to explore and recover them. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5795 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 8p-12a. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00







5169 Gamma World 3rd Edition: Alpha Factor, GM: Walter Schirmacher, 6 players, No XP/Average, Sunday 9a-1p. MIndkeep. The very name is mysterious. Why was it built? Who built it? What is its secret? Your elite group of adventures must find MIndkeep and learn its secret. Others have tried and failed. The surrounding area is filled with mutations that are strange even for Gamma World. The trek is long and difficult, across areas that are not well-known. Keep your wits above you, or you may lose everything! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5251 The Front: The Kiel Experiment, GM: Larry Hamilton, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 9a-1p. German scientists in conjunction with the German Navy at Kiel performed an experiment informed by information smuggled out of America about the Philadelphia Experiment. The experiment was successful in masking the ship, but caused unintended side effects on the crew and opened an inter-dimensional portal that unleashed "something". The opening of the portal emitted a signal that was detected by allied scientists in Philadelphia, and its import relayed up the command chain. The Front is a WWII RPG based on The Black Hack. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5362 DCC RPG: The Inn at Five Points, GM: Brendan LaSalle, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 9a-1p. After a rough convention full of strife, travail, and stress, why not relax at the Inn at Five Points? Have a bowl of hot stew, and cold ale, and a loaf of Quendy’s famous fresh bread. What have you got to worry about? Everything is going to be just fine. Just . . . fine . . . Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5516 Empire of the Petal Throne: Deep in the Jakállan Underworld, GM: Victor Raymond, 8 players, Some XP/Average, Sunday 9a-1p. Word has arrived in your Temple of the potential discovery of the Tomb of Mnekshetra, the lover of Queen Nayari of the Silken Thighs, who was the great and terrible ruler of the ancient Bednalljan Dynasty. You and your companions have been dispatched deep into the Underworld beneath Jakalla to investigate this rumor and verify the resting place of Nayari's lover. This is an event for more experienced players in the World of Tekumel, as originally published by TSR in 1975! Adults Only (18+) $3.00
5796 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 9a-1p. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00

5194 Swords&Wizardry complete : Island of the Red Witch, GM: Forest Ray, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 2p-6p. Children from Port town have gone missing. They have been traced to Red Witch Island. No one will talk about the place and no one will go there. Will someone think of the children? Family Friendly (7+) $3.00
5203 Delving Deeper: In Search of the Unknowable, GM: Adam Muszkiewicz, 12 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 2p-6p. In an homage to the classic module B1, your band of adventurers enters QUASQUETHERION, strange dungeon of the improbable and inscrutable, in search of treasure and glory! Solve riddles of the lost adventures, Zonn the Mind-Breaker and Harrowvar the Ironic! Subject your friends to the terrors of the Psychotherion! Dance with zombie animals! All this and more awaits you in QUASQUETHERION! Characters from previous expeditions are welcome! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5225 The Petal Hack: Avanthe's Ample Bosom, GM: Brett Slocum, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 2p-6p. This is your first trip outside the small town you grew up in, beyond your clan house. Your clan has sent you to another city far away, protecting a shipment of fine wines your clan produces. You're very excited to leave and see what the Empire has to offer, as well as prove to your clan that you can get the job done. What's that round hill you can see from the Sakbe road? Set in M.A.R. Barker's World of Tekumel. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5797 D&D 5e OSR: Whispers of Starfall, GM: Troy Mepyans, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 2p-6p. In an ancient world of magic and wonder, a sinister plot to steal immortality from the elves and upset the very balance of the world, begins to unfold in the town of Hyran. What begins as a series of seemingly unconnected adventures has the characters questioning what is truly happening beneath the surface when mysterious clues begin to tie them together. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00

5218 D&D (Original): Clean Sweep, GM: Herb Diehr, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 3p-6p. A family is swept from their little village and finds itself in a realm in trouble and also themselves! A quest by teenagers to save their parents from this strange society. Children under 12 must have a parent playing. Family Friendly (7+) $3.00

Special Events
5611 OSR: Old School Game Design Panel, GM: Ryan Thompson, 80 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 6p-8p. Join the OSR Track's Guest of Honor, Stacy Dellorfano, Industry Insider Brendan LaSalle, and special Guest Bill Webb along with the Drink, Spin, Run Podcast Crew and our OSR Track Coordinator as we discuss OSR Games Design and Aesthetic! From DCC Zines to polished Frog God Games and Goodman products, we will talk about it. What's more? In this roundtable discussion audience questions are welcome! As always, the OSR Track Panel will be recorded! Family Friendly (7+) Free!

5830 : Bill Webb Book Signing, GM: Bill Webb, 50 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 1p-2p. Join us at the Open Gaming Store Booth in the vendor hall and have your books signed by author and President of Frog God Games, Bill Webb! Family Friendly (7+) Free!

5530 Sushi Go, GM: Jeannette Quirk, 5 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 11a-12p. Card game where you pick a card and pass your hand while trying to build sushi for points. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5576 Castles of Mad King Ludwig, GM: Nikki Carr, 4 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 11a-1p. In the tile-laying game Castles of Mad King Ludwig, players are tasked with building an amazing, extravagant castle for King Ludwig II of Bavaria...one room at a time. You see, the King loves castles, having built Neuschwanstein (the castle that inspired the Disney theme park castles) and others, but now he's commissioned you to build the biggest, best castle ever - subject, of course, to his ever-changing whims. Each player acts as a building contractor who is adding rooms to the castle he's building while also selling his services to other players General Audience (13+) $1.50
5554 Airlines: Europe, GM: Cheryl Orosz, 10 players, Some XP/Average, Friday 12p-2p. Use your influence skillfully and your cash wisely in this game of aviation development. Compete for favorable routes and government subsidies as you marshal your investments General Audience (13+) $1.50
5674 Bohnanza, GM: Samantha Orosz, 7 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 12p-1p. Live the exciting life of a bean farmer! Trade, plant, and harvest beans to acquire the most gold. Do you have what it takes to farm beans? Family Friendly (7+) $1.50
5506 North Dakota Rummy, GM: Rhonda Berg, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-4p. Why not learn a game that you can immediately go home and play with standard playing cards? North Dakota Rummy is a particularly fun variant of rummy because you can buy cards from the discard pile when it is not your turn. It is played in seven rounds that each have different requirements to begin to play cards on the table. Use your buys carefully, though, because only three buys are allowed per round! (For those who are very familiar with popular variants of rummy, it is similar to Contract Rummy.) General Audience (13+) $1.50
5531 Ninja Dice, GM: Jeannette Quirk, 5 players, Some XP/Average, Friday 2p-3p. Break, sneak or fight into a neighboring house and try to steal the treasure. Beware, the other players can attempt to block you! General Audience (13+) $1.50
5578 Orléans, GM: Nikki Carr, 4 players, No XP/Average, Friday 2p-4p. In the city of Orléans and the area of the Loire, you can take trade trips to other cities to acquire coveted goods and build trading posts. You need followers and their abilities to expand your dominance by putting them to work as traders, builders, and scientists. Knights expand your scope of action and secure your mercantile expeditions. Craftsmen build trading stations and tools to facilitate work. Scholars make progress in science, and last but not least it cannot hurt to get active in monasteries since with monks on your side you are much less likely to fall prey to fate. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5513 Street Kings, GM: Blair Reamy (Amorphous Blob), 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 3p-5p. Welcome to the world of underground racing. Your goal? To become the Street King in your own epic racing career. You’ll start at the bottom using your “D” class cars. With the help of your crew, cars, upgrades, and skills, you’ll win races to gain credits and fame. With these credits, you’ll be able to buy parts, hire crew or even advance to the next class. Another way to gain credits is by showing off your ride at local car shows. You'll also be able to choose locations where the race will take place. Family Friendly (7+) $1.50
5555 Splendor, GM: Cheryl Orosz, 8 players, No XP/Average, Friday 3p-5p. Careful planning will help you grow your gem mining empire and attract the patronage of the nobility. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5731 Elder Sign, GM: Becky Reamy (Amorphous Blob), 8 players, No XP/Average, Friday 3p-5p. Investigators need to quickly gather Elder Signs in order to close and seal the gates to the beyond to keep the Elder Ones from escaping into our world. If they are unable to close the gates in time, then they must defeat the elder one. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5579 Terra Mystica, GM: Nikki Carr, 5 players, Some XP/Complex, Friday 4p-6p. In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other groups. Terra Mystica is a game with very little luck that rewards strategic planning. Each player governs one of the 14 groups. With subtlety and craft, the player must attempt to rule as great an area as possible and to develop that group's skills. There are also four religious cults in which you can progress. To do all that, each group has special skills and abilities. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5529 Hanabi, GM: Jeannette Quirk, 5 players, Some XP/Simple, Friday 5p-6p. Cooperative game where you build fireworks. The only catch is that you can't look at your own hand. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5732 7 Wonders, GM: Becky Reamy (Amorphous Blob), 7 players, No XP/Average, Friday 5p-7p. You are the leader of one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World. Gather resources, develop commercial routes, and affirm your military supremacy. Build your city and erect an architectural wonder which will transcend future times. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5528 Tsuro, GM: Jeannette Quirk, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 8p-10p. Tsuro is a game wherein you lay tiles down to create paths. The last person to remain on the board wins the game. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5585 Power Grid, GM: Nikki Carr, 6 players, Some XP/Complex, Friday 8p-11p. The objective of Power Grid is to supply the most cities with power when someone's network gains a predetermined size. In this new edition, players mark pre-existing routes between cities for connection, and then bid against each other to purchase the power plants that they use to power their cities. However, as plants are purchased, newer, more efficient plants become available, so by merely purchasing, you're potentially allowing others access to superior equipment. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5673 Betrayal at House on the Hill, GM: Samantha Orosz, 12 players, No XP/Average, Friday 10p-12a. Explore the creepy old mansion, that sounds like a fun time! (especially for your evil friend) Will you defeat the monsters that dwell within and your betrayer or will you never be heard from again? General Audience (13+) $1.50
5589 Puerto Rico, GM: Nikki Carr, 5 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 9a-11a. In Puerto Rico players assume the roles of colonial governors on the island of Puerto Rico. The aim of the game is to amass victory points by shipping goods to Europe or by constructing buildings. The resource cycle of the game is that players grow crops which they exchange for points or doubloons. Doubloons can then be used to buy buildings, which allow players to produce more crops or give them other abilities. Buildings and plantations do not work unless they are manned by colonists. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5675 Greed, GM: Samantha Orosz, 5 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 10a-11a. If you've always wanted to be a crime lord then boy howdy, this game is for you! Acquire henchmen, shady businesses, and money to build your empire and crush the opposition. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5507 North Dakota Rummy, GM: Rhonda Berg, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-4p. Why not learn a game that you can immediately go home and play with standard playing cards? North Dakota Rummy is a particularly fun variant of rummy because you can buy cards from the discard pile when it is not your turn. It is played in seven rounds that each have different requirements to begin to play cards on the table. Use your buys carefully, though, because only three buys are allowed per round! (For those who are very familiar with popular variants of rummy, it is similar to Contract Rummy.) General Audience (13+) $1.50
5547 Dixit, GM: Meri Orosz, 12 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-4p. Dixit uses a deck of cards illustrated with dreamlike images. Players select cards that match a title suggested by the storyteller, and attempt to guess which card the storyteller selected. Family Friendly (7+) $1.50
5583 Castles of Burgandy, GM: Nikki Carr, 4 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-4p. The game is set in the Burgundy region of High Medieval France. Each player takes on the role of an aristocrat, originally controlling a small princedom. While playing they aim to build settlements and powerful castles, practice trade along the river, exploit silver mines, and use the knowledge of travelers. The game is about players taking settlement tiles from the game board and placing them into their princedom which is represented by the player board. Every tile has a function that starts when the tile is placed in the princedom. The princedom itself consists of several regions, each of which demands its own type of settlement tile. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5548 Telestrations, GM: Meri Orosz, 12 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 4p-6p. If you've played telephone and can draw even a little, this is the game for you! Family Friendly (7+) $1.50
5584 The Voyages of Marco Polo, GM: Nikki Carr, 4 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 4p-6p. In The Voyages of Marco Polo, players recreate this journey, with each player having a different character and special power in the game. The game is played over five rounds. Each round, the players roll their five personal dice and can perform one action each turn with them. After five rounds, the game ends with players receiving victory points for arriving in Beijing, fulfilling the most orders, and having reached the cities on secret city cards that each player gets at the start of the game; these points are added to the VPs gained during the game. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5580 Caverna: The Cave Farmers, GM: Nikki Carr, 6 players, No XP/Complex, Saturday 8p-11p. Following along the same lines as its predecessor (Agricola), Caverna: The Cave Farmers is a worker-placement game at heart, with a focus on farming. In the game, you are the bearded leader of a small dwarf family that lives in a little cave in the mountains. You begin the game with a farmer and his spouse, and each member of the farming family represents an action that the player can take each turn. Together, you cultivate the forest in front of your cave and dig deeper into the mountain. You furnish the caves as dwellings for your offspring as well as working spaces for small enterprises. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5586 Small World, GM: Nikki Carr, 5 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 11p-1a. Small World is inhabited by a zany cast of characters such as dwarves, wizards, amazons, giants, orcs, and even humans, who use their troops to occupy territory and conquer adjacent lands in order to push the other races off the face of the earth. Picking the right combination from the 14 different fantasy races and 20 unique special powers, players rush to expand their empires - often at the expense of weaker neighbors. Yet they must also know when to push their own over-extended civilization into decline and ride a new one to victory! General Audience (13+) $1.50
5549 Codenames, GM: Meri Orosz, 20 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 9a-11a. The two rival spymasters know the secret identities of 25 agents. Their teammates know the agents only by their CODENAMES. Family Friendly (7+) $1.50
5587 Tzolkin': The Mayan Calendar, GM: Nikki Carr, 4 players, No XP/Average, Sunday 10a-12p. Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar presents a new game mechanism: dynamic worker placement. Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take the workers to different action spots General Audience (13+) $1.50
5676 Splendor, GM: Samantha Orosz, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 10a-11a. Become a gem merchant of the Renaissance, buying gem mines, transportation, and shops. Attract the favor of nobles and acquire impressive investments to gain victory points and win the game. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5508 Arctic Scavengers, GM: Rhonda Berg, 5 players, No XP/Average, Sunday 11a-1p. This is a post-apocalyptic deck-building card game where you are the leader of a small tribe fighting to survive amidst scarce resources and challenging conditions. Players work to build their tribes by hiring mercenaries, scavenging junk piles, and winning skirmishes for resources against other players' tribes. The player with the largest tribe at the end of the game is the winner. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5553 Wizard, GM: Cheryl Orosz, 12 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 2p-4p. A progressive trick-taking game, Wizard will test how well you assess the hand you were dealt--and your opponents. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5588 Keyflower, GM: Nikki Carr, 6 players, No XP/Average, Sunday 2p-4p. Keyflower is a game for two to six players played over four rounds. Each round represents a season: spring, summer, autumn, and finally winter. Each player starts the game with a "home" tile and an initial team of eight workers, each of which is colored red, yellow, or blue. Workers of matching colors are used by the players to bid for tiles to add to their villages. Matching workers may alternatively be used to generate resources, skills and additional workers, not only from the player's own tiles, but also from the tiles in the other players' villages and from the new tiles being auctioned. General Audience (13+) $1.50
5687 Sentinels of the Multiverse, GM: Anne Moore, 4 players, No XP/Average, Sunday 4p-6p. Cooperative game where players run superheroes fighting a supervillain. We will fight the Apostate in the Wagner Mars Base. http://sotm.wikidot.com/ General Audience (13+) $1.50



















Role Playing
5431 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Black Sun Deathcrawl by James MacGeorge, GM: Laura Rose Williams, 6 players, No XP/Average, Friday 9a-2p. The apocalypse is not merely nigh, it has passed, the world is over and all that is left are the crumbling ashes of the ages before and the cursed survivors who have yet to succumb to the soul-obliterating rays of the Black Sun. Make what you can of the little time you have left before the Black Sun renders your efforts meaningless. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5159 Cortex Plus: Affects of the Void (ep 2), GM: Laura Hamel, 5 players, No XP/Average, Friday 10a-2p. Sequel to "The Way We Were" from U-Con 2014. Imprisoned in a government facility on a remote planet for supposed (or actual) crimes, you have been the subject of experiments verging on torture. Having escaped, you and your fellow fugitives are stuck in a remote system. This universe is a mashup of Firefly, Cowboy Bebop, and Farscape. Adults Only (18+) $3.00
5615 Swords & Wizardry: Zaya's Promise - Game With the Creator, GM: Stacy Dellorfano, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 10a-2p. Off in a corner of a forgotten land lies the fabled ruins of a town lost to the ravages of war. Covered in a thick layer of thorny, poisoned vines, the town itself has all been forgotten for beneath that lies the rumored lair of the only survivor. None who have entered have returned for hundreds of years. The place has been quarantined and left as cursed, but surely your party will succeed where all others have failed. Right? Zaya's Promise is a deadly funhouse set in an ever-changing dreamworld. Originally released with the third printing of Swords & Wizardry, this game will be run by the Adventure's author. General Audience (13+) $4.00
5214 Cortex Plus: The Nature of Revenge (ep 3), GM: Laura Hamel, 5 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 8p-12a. Imprisoned in a government facility on a remote planet for supposed (or actual) crimes, you were the subject of illegal experiments with a new biotechnology. Now, it's time to deliver retribution to those who have wronged you. A space opera story of revenge, and finale to "The Way We Were" series, set in the near future with jumpgate technology and governments run by interstellar corporations. It is helpful if you have play previous episodes, but not necessary. Adults Only (18+) $3.00
5432 Dungeon Crawl Classics: Null Singularity by Steve Bean, GM: Laura Rose Williams, 6 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-7p. In NULL SINGULARITY, players take on the role of Voidants, 70's-era space travelers who left the Earth to flee from the Null Singularity – an apocalyptic entity that is, at once, a massive black hole and a “long-dark night of the soul.” For an unknown period of time – decades or even centuries – the Voidants of the Alektryon mission have played hide-and-seek with the Null Singularity across the cosmos, but today is the day it has caught up with them… or has it? General Audience (13+) $3.00
5616 Swords & Wizardry: Zaya's Promise - Game With the Creator, GM: Stacy Dellorfano, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-6p. Off in a corner of a forgotten land lies the fabled ruins of a town lost to the ravages of war. Covered in a thick layer of thorny, poisoned vines, the town itself has all been forgotten for beneath that lies the rumored lair of the only survivor. None who have entered have returned for hundreds of years. The place has been quarantined and left as cursed, but surely your party will succeed where all others have failed. Right? Zaya's Promise is a deadly funhouse set in an ever-changing dreamworld. Originally released with the third printing of Swords & Wizardry, this game will be run by the Adventure's author. General Audience (13+) $4.00
5686 Amber Diceless: The Rim of the Fire, GM: Anne Moore, 5 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 2p-6p. There has been an attempt on Prince Martin’s life. There’s no clear culprit and far too many suspects— Several foreign powers might benefit from chaos in Amber, and there’s no shortage of relatives who might think he was better out of the way. Player characters need to keep Martin alive or, at least, to figure out who’s trying to kill him before war results. Knowledge of Zelazny's Amber novels extremely helpful. General Audience (13+) $3.00




5158 Cortex Plus: The Nature of Revenge (ep 3), GM: Laura Hamel, 5 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 2p-6p. Imprisoned in a government facility on a remote planet for supposed (or actual) crimes, you were the subject of illegal experiments with a new biotechnology. Now, it's time to deliver retribution to those who have wronged you. A space opera story of revenge, and finale to "The Way We Were" series, set in the near future with jumpgate technology and governments run by interstellar corporations. It is helpful if you have play previous episodes, but not necessary. Adults Only (18+) $3.00

Special Events
5617 : ConTessa GM's Breakfast, GM: Stacy Dellorfano, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 8a-9a. It can be so hard to meet other women who play and run roleplaying games, so we try to add a social event to every one of the conventions we go to! Meet other women who play, run, and design games. Learn all about what we do at ConTessa, and Stacy, the founder, will be on hand to answer any questions or just chat! All women are welcome at this informal social beakfast panel! Family Friendly (7+) Free!

5853 DCC RPG: Ride the Rising Tide of Darkness, GM: Scott Kellogg, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 2p-6p. Each year in the benighted city of Purdimal, priests of the Supreme Principle of Change celebrate the high holy day of The Rising Tide of Darkness by offering living sacrifices to their dark deity Hru’u. Deep within the Underworld, persons of low or no clan are released from imprisonment to suffer their grisly fates. Most serve to feed the demons of the dark, but the handful who, by chance or wit, survive until daybreak are deemed by the temple priests blessed by the Dispenser of Calamities. Offered education and status by the priests, these lucky souls can rise high within the Empire. This game will use the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rules to present a “character funnel”. Each player controls several 0-level characters in a desperate struggle to survive. No experience in DCC RPG or Tekumel is required. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5204 Tekumel: You killed my father..., GM: Patrick Brady, 7 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 8p-12a. Five years ago your father was murdered. It has taken you this long to find the perpetrators and now it is time for you to take your revenge. But it will not be easy, as they will be hard to get at and not all of your siblings share your vision of what closure might mean. Some just want these guys dead, some of you want them to suffer, others want a pile of bodies as a shrine to your late father. Which are you? Mature Content (18+) $3.00
5514 Empire of the Petal Throne: A Night in Old Jakálla, GM: Victor Raymond, 8 players, No XP/Average, Friday 8p-12a. The classic introduction to the Empire of the Petal Throne - you have recently arrived from the Southern Continent in search of fame, fortune, and a better life in the bustling port of Jakalla - the "City Half as Old as the World." Staying in the Foreigners Quarter, you have three different offers of employment by different patrons; you must pick one without offending the others, and then see if you can survive the result! This is an event for newcomers to the World of Tekumel, as originally published by TSR in 1975! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5227 DCC RPG: Ride the Rising Tide of Darkness, GM: Scott Kellogg, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-1p. Each year in the benighted city of Purdimal, priests of the Supreme Principle of Change celebrate the high holy day of The Rising Tide of Darkness by offering living sacrifices to their dark deity Hru’u. Deep within the Underworld, persons of low or no clan are released from imprisonment to suffer their grisly fates. Most serve to feed the demons of the dark, but the handful who, by chance or wit, survive until daybreak are deemed by the temple priests blessed by the Dispenser of Calamities. Offered education and status by the priests, these lucky souls can rise high within the Empire. This game will use the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rules to present a “character funnel”. Each player controls several 0-level characters in a desperate struggle to survive. No experience in DCC RPG or Tekumel is required. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5315 Tekumel (Bethorm): The 7th Rite of Training, GM: Krista Donnelly, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 9a-1p. All priests of Hru'u, the Supreme Principle of Change, the Opponent of Permanence, the Lord of Confusion, must survive the Ten Rites of Training to advance within the Temple. The 7th Rite is reputed to be like the number 7, dark and malignant, but ever moving. You are about to find out the truth as you wait for the Rite to begin. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5515 Empire of the Petal Throne: Death on the Mssúma River, GM: Victor Raymond, 8 players, No XP/Average, Saturday 2p-6p. An item of great antiquity has been stolen from a noble clanhouse in the city of Jakalla; rumor has it that the burglar is proceeding north on the Mssuma River, headed for Bey Su "the Beauteous" - the capital of Tsolyanu, the Empire of the Petal Throne. You have been hired to retrieve the precious item and return it to its rightful owner, preferably without bloodshed, but by force if necessary! This is an event for newcomers to the World of Tekumel, as originally published by TSR in 1975! General Audience (13+) $3.00
5226 The Petal Hack: Mission to the Atkolel Heights, GM: Brett Slocum, 14 players, No XP/Simple, Saturday 8p-12a. Could it be a fiendish plan by Baron Ald to weaken the northwestern frontier? In the year 2360 A.S., during the war with Yan Kor, a mountain village near Chene Ho reported the appearance of strange creatures (even by Tekumel standards), and villagers and livestock went missing. Two patrols vanished. The governor of Chene Ho was forced to ask for the Emperor's help. The Omnipotent Azure Legion has picked you. General Audience (13+) $3.00
5314 Tekumel (Bethorm): The Glory of the Past, GM: Krista Donnelly, 6 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 9a-1p. The Governor of Tu'unmra is newly married and desirous of gifting his bride with a family heirloom. But the heirloom was lost during the Great War of 2020 A.S. Whoever finds it stands to reap a great reward, unless too many unpleasant accusations surface during the search . . . General Audience (13+) $3.00
5516 Empire of the Petal Throne: Deep in the Jakállan Underworld, GM: Victor Raymond, 8 players, Some XP/Average, Sunday 9a-1p. Word has arrived in your Temple of the potential discovery of the Tomb of Mnekshetra, the lover of Queen Nayari of the Silken Thighs, who was the great and terrible ruler of the ancient Bednalljan Dynasty. You and your companions have been dispatched deep into the Underworld beneath Jakalla to investigate this rumor and verify the resting place of Nayari's lover. This is an event for more experienced players in the World of Tekumel, as originally published by TSR in 1975! Adults Only (18+) $3.00
5225 The Petal Hack: Avanthe's Ample Bosom, GM: Brett Slocum, 8 players, No XP/Simple, Sunday 2p-6p. This is your first trip outside the small town you grew up in, beyond your clan house. Your clan has sent you to another city far away, protecting a shipment of fine wines your clan produces. You're very excited to leave and see what the Empire has to offer, as well as prove to your clan that you can get the job done. What's that round hill you can see from the Sakbe road? Set in M.A.R. Barker's World of Tekumel. General Audience (13+) $3.00







Special Events
5533 Tekumel: Joyful Sitting Among Friends, GM: George Hammond, 30 players, No XP/Simple, Friday 6p-8p. This is the annual welcome gathering for the Tekumel Track. Join us to find out about the weekend's Tekumel events, or the Tekumel setting in general, and meet other fans of the setting. General Audience (13+) Free!